
FreeBSD / pfSense slow network with Hyper-V

For some reason, it took me way too long to find information about this issue – so I’m writing another article that will hopefully help some people.

IT Ticket # 1337

Problem Description: Network performance through pfSense is extremely slow with Hyper-V

Software Versions: pfSense 2.6.0 and Windows Server 2022 (August 2022 patches)

Steps Taken Already: Confirmed hardware TCP offload is disabled; confirmed hardware checksum disabled; confirmed MTUs were correct.

Solution: Read on for the solution (hint: it’s a known driver bug, and for now only a workaround exists)

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Monday, September 26th, 2022 networking, software, work 2 Comments

How long is 4 years?

Too long to not post anything.

In as few words as possible, let us agree that people accomplish a lot in one year. Simply think back to what you did in 2021, then 2020, then 2019, then 2018… Realize that you have completed dozens of projects, started many dozens more, interacted with countless other people, learned countless new things, and aside from disorganized photos you’ve saved somewhere, a lot of this exists only in your memory.

The purpose of this blog has always been to document my projects so that, when memory fails, I can remember what on Earth I’ve done over the years.

Here is a summary of the last 4.

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Friday, January 7th, 2022 car, computers, electronics, life No Comments

Targa Bambina 2017

The Targa road rally is an exciting yearly event. It has presence in several countries, including Australia, New Zealand, Italy, and Canada. It is meant to take place on public roads, and is a great sport for spectators.

Targa Newfoundland runs the yearly event on the Island, and last year they introduced the Targa Bambina. The Bambina is a less intensive, shorter version of the full Targa. The entry fees and rules are adjusted to be more accessible, meaning you average hobbyist can get in on the excitement.

This year, I participated in the first ever Targa Newfoundland Bambina.

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Sunday, August 20th, 2017 car, life, projects No Comments

3D Printing, Engineering, Germany and more [Life Post]

8 months between posts is possibly a record on this site. That isn’t to say nothing interesting happened during all that time. Here is a quick recap to keep this site going:


This summer I studied German for 5 weeks in Germany. The entire trip was documented in great detail over here:

Video Projects

A few videos have come out on my YouTube channel, some technical ones and a more artistic one to play with my new DSLR.

It seems someone made (another) viral video of their 3d printer playing the Imperial March, so here’s my take on it.

 3D Printing

I’ve been putting more time into my Ecksbot, and keeping it maintained and improving print quality. I’ve expanded my filament collection thanks to Matt Durr, and been doing some work with original creations.


Ikea Roller Blind Mounts

Last week I uploaded my first public design to Thingiverse – I hope to create and share more projects soon!

Tuesday, December 9th, 2014 3d printing, life, school No Comments

Creating a Private + Guest WiFi Access Point (DD-WRT)


Recently I was asked to configure a WiFi access point for a small business, who needed to have both a private internal network, and a public guest network.

There are many privacy concerns when having guests share your network. Specifically, it is desirable to:

  • Disallow access to any computers on the private network
  • Prevent network abuse (such as P2P file sharing)
  • Secure the access point itself from tampering or unauthorized access

Of course, all this needs to be done without impacting the desired service: Internet access.

Although I found many guides online for setting up a guest network when the access point was also the primary router, I didn’t find any that worked for the intended network. So, after some trial, error, and research, I managed to get it to work.

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Tuesday, December 31st, 2013 computers, networking, work 99 Comments

Repairing a Projector with Tinted and Washed-Out Display

My employer came to me with a little project. The office projector stopped working properly after someone touched the pins of the VGA video cable, and presumably released ESD energy into the projector. The picture’s colours were all tinted and washed out!


Note that the bottom monitor is displaying the same colour pattern
as the projector. Grey is completely missing!

He asked me if I’d like to take a look at it. My answer, as would be expected, was “of course!”

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Sunday, February 24th, 2013 electronics, projects, work No Comments

USB Stick Data Recovery

It isn’t the first time, and it probably won’t be the last. Today I had a client e-mail me in some panic, as her USB memory drive had stopped working. It was plugged into the computer, and someone walked into it, bending the connector.


Breaking the 64MB, chinese-made promotional USB key was not the disaster – it was losing the files on it.


I’ve had luck before re-soldering damaged USB key connectors, so I got my tools together and gave it a shot.

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Thursday, January 17th, 2013 electronics, work No Comments

Ottawa Pinball and Gameroom Show ’12

This year marked the second annual Ottawa Pinball and Gameroom Show (I tend to call it the Pinball Expo). On Friday, September 7th, 2012, over 50 pinball machines were installed at the Hilton Garden Inn by the Ottawa Airport, and by Saturday, there were around 60+ tables. The show spanned from September 8th to the 9th.

As per last year, I made a video of the show, but I was much more ambitious this year. I ended up creating something more documentary styled, incorporating multiple interviews, to find out the more personal side of pinball. The video is indeed a bit un-conventional, but I am pleased with it.

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Friday, September 21st, 2012 life, music, pinball, video No Comments

QR Magic

QR codes are starting to take over in marketing. Businesses see potential in a small, unobtrusive combination of squares, unreadable by humans. There is a factor of curiosity, not knowing what message is contained within the QR code, that might compel people to scan them.

But I don’t think it works.

I have yet to scan a QR code I’ve seen in public. Why? I’m just not interested. A lot of us have become used to ignoring ads on websites and TV, and posters and newspaper ads get similar treatment.

So, if the code has all this wasted potential, what else can you do with them? Why not make it unique?


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Tuesday, March 27th, 2012 life, projects No Comments

Happy Pi Day!

Indeed, Pi day (3/14, March 14th) is upon us once more. Last year I had the fortune of being the first person to recite many digits of Pi at our college’s celebrations, and this year I have worked on remembering additional decimal places.

In doing so, I remembered a javascript my friend made in junior high school that would check Pi digits, and with his permission I have embedded it below (or download it.)

Practice your Pi here! (Refresh if it didn’t load.)

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Wednesday, March 14th, 2012 life, software No Comments