Painting my Escort (Part 5) – Primer
Well, today I did the two coats of primer. This was great, because I learnt two valuable things: technique for painting, and how many cans it takes per coat. I was surprised to discover it took about 3 cans of primer (430 g per can) to do one coat. I only had 2 cans, and I wanted to do 2 coats, so I ended up grabbing more primer, and I also bought the last cans of Yellow Tremclad from the Aylmer Canadian Tire: sorry!
Total cost so far: a little over $200. Not too bad I suppose. Now I’ve got 10 cans of yellow, which should be enough for 3 coats. However, I still wish to do more than 3 coats, just to make sure it is bold and durable, so I may end up grabbing more paint. However, the topic of this post is the primer, and here it is!
This morning, I applied one coat, then I let it dry for about 7 hours (I did the first a little before noon, and I did the second a little after 6). This is the fast dry stuff, and it felt dry after only about 30 minutes, but naturally I gave it more time.
Tomorrow, I plan on applying one coat in the morning, and then seeing where I end up. I hear too many different instructions for painting, so I will see which way feels best after I get started. My dad says to blend the coats, and do one after another. Previous instruction has told me that for spray paint I should do a coat, let it dry, then do another. After the first coat tomorrow, depending on how it goes on and dries, I will determine what to do.
Click for more to see some before and after shots!
This fan was the only thing that kept the air from being solid paint dust. I was told that big clouds of white smoke could be seen blowing out of the garage, even at times I wasn’t spraying!
Oh, and I apologize, I forgot to grab a shot of me in my coveralls and in the big filter mask. I will grab one tomorrow!
I can’t remember if I mentioned wanting to make stencils to paint on the “Escort LX” and “2.o SPI” on the hatch, but here are the completed stencils:
Not bad, I think it will look pretty good, I like the font. Overall though, today was very productive, educational, and rewarding. It feels nice to see the whole car a different colour, and makes you think, “If I can make it look pretty good all white/grey, I can make it look pretty good yellow.” I’m so excited to begin painting.
Keep posted, soon there will be some colour!