Painting my Escort (Part 3) – Sanding

Lots of it. Depending on how long and hard you work, it can take from hours to days. I worked at it non stop on Wednesday, from 8:30AM to 5PM, and then again this morning for a couple hours, and now it’s done. It is very rhythmic and mind numbing work: time flies, and your mind separates from the task at hand… It was fun! Here are some of the results:

The nicely sanded hood. Notice I did a proper job, and removed the washer nozzles.

No Doors
I removed all the door panels to do a better job.

Rocker Guard on Door Insides
The front driver and passenger side doors had some rust all along the bottom, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to paint on that, so I took some spray on rocket guard and covered it up (after cleaning out the grease and sanding). Looks good, and will make it last a lot longer!

Rocker Guard Door Jam
I also did it to the bare metal/rust on the inside door rails along the floor. Since feet will be hitting that, the rocker guard will definitely protect the metal, better than paint that will surely chip.

Rear Lights
In behind the tail lights.

Inside Hatch
Inside the hatch. You really begin to realize just how much will need to be masked and protected from paint spraying. Lots of work, I tell you.

Sanded Roof
The roof, of course.

Sanded Back
A nice, bare rear. That didn’t sound right…

It’s always good to have your supplies organized and available (right, as if that is organized).

Music is also a nice touch for work in 42*C (with humidex) weather, under the sun, working non-stop.

Hard at Work
And, of course, don’t forget good old safety gear, and motivation! 🙂

To come… the masking! (Batteries dies on camera, so no shots during the masking, on some near/at the end. Sorry!)

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Thursday, May 27th, 2010 Uncategorized

No Comments to Painting my Escort (Part 3) – Sanding

  • guy says:

    looks pretty good,lots of work there!

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