
Hello all,

Over the last few days I have again begun working on my musical compositions. So far, I have a good half-dozen songs that are near ready for publication (this is around 2 years of work, mind you, not overnight). The idea and goal is to publish my first set of around a dozen songs in an album entitled “Rhythmind”. Naturally, it is a compound word meant to relate rhythm and mind, and to hopefully convey the connection and importance of both. Below is a low bit-rate version of a song I began only last Wednesday, but that is already coming along quite well!

Cityrise – MP3 (64kbit) – Embedded below

To record my music, I use Reason as the central program.

For those not familiar, Reason is essentially a virtual rack, with multiple virtual tools for recording music. As a physical recording studio would have a rack-mounted mixer (or even more commonly a desktop model), Reason has a virtual mixer, with virtual wires, allowing for control of audio parameters. Reason offers both sampled and synthetic instruments, which can be controlled by a MIDI keyboard controller. This is my setup, using either a Peavy DPM-C8 Performance Controller or my Roland D-20 Synthesizer keyboard. All the music itself is crafted by me.

My Workstation

My Workstation

My next post should be about the FM Radio Transmitter I assembled in my course. So far, I’ve tested the range to be about 2 to 2.5 houses down my street (when the transmitter is inside, at my front door). Not bad!

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Sunday, October 18th, 2009 electronics, music, software

No Comments to Rhythmind

  • Heavenshock says:

    Very good!

  • Dan says:

    Thank you 🙂

  • Anon says:

    Got any idea for the cover art?

  • Dan says:

    Hmm, not yet, but that’s a great idea, actually! I should start working on that.

  • Leave a Reply to Anon