Painting my Escort (Part 4) – Masking

Since yesterday afternoon/evening, and all of today, I’ve been masking the car, all the parts I don’t want paint to get on. Finally, I have finished that! I’m ready to go and spray it all!

Whole Car top

However, there is a slight change in plans. Originally, I was going to paint just the door interior edges, and other crevice work, but then I decided I am best off covering everything up, then doing the whole thing in one shot. So, tomorrow morning, I will begin priming, after I wipe it all off with gas.

More photos after the break.

The engine.

Gas Tank
I’m going to try to get as much painted as possible, even inside the gas filler area.

Couldn’t figure out how to take out the headlights, so I covered them.

It was a pain, but I had to check and make sure there were no holes in the newspapers for the windows: don’t want yellow windows!

Cover Hatch Front Right Door
I covered all the door opening with garbage bags, sealed all the way around. It took me about an hour per car door (including the opening and the newspapering on both sides.)

Seal Taping
To get at all the details, I took off all the seals around the doors. However, the only way to completely remove them is to remove the doors. I would have loved to have been able to take off all the doors and paint them individually, but my garage simply isn’t big enough, so I have to tuck the seals away under layers of tape!

Back Windows
Every last window…

Inside 2
Now I’m finishing the last door. The interior is sealed for the next week.

Panels in room
This is the new temporary home for the door panels. Leaves little room for me, unfortunately.

Tomorrow: priming! I will naturally include a shot of me in full painting gear: you don’t want to miss that!

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Saturday, May 29th, 2010 Uncategorized

No Comments to Painting my Escort (Part 4) – Masking

  • Allan says:

    Cool story, bro!

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